Holland BPW customer service representatives help an average of 150 – 200 walk-in customers per day, and our newly renovated Service Center has significantly reduced wait times or eliminated them altogether. The centerpiece of the update is the expanded customer service lobby, which features access to six service windows (there were two previously), an information kiosk, direct boardroom access, and even a space for small children to play.
For about the cost of a large cappuccino per month, Holland City Manager Ryan Cotton can claim his Chevy Volt is powered completely by renewable resources. When the Holland BPW rolled out its Renewable Energy Elective program last July, Cotton was one of the first customers to jump at the opportunity.
Holland’s Water Treatment Plant pumps an average of 11.7 million gallons per day, and the reliability of our system is critical to the community’s health, safety and prosperity.
The $158.8 million bond offer to fund construction of our new natural gas power plant was the largest municipal issuance in Holland’s history, and the overwhelming success of the sale is evidence of the vitality and promise of our community. These high-demand bonds sold out in less than two days, becoming important investments in the portfolios of many Holland residents.
The HBPW's awards and recognition over the past year.
Holland’s future energy park will be a symbol of prosperity and sustainability for our city, thanks to the hard work of a broad cross-section of community leaders.
Holland BPW utility rates are among the most competitive available in the state.
A look at some of our community impact over the past year.