CY2013 Optimization

Public Act 295 (PA 295)

Pursuant to 2008 Public Act 295 (PA 295), the Holland Board of Public Works (HBPW) is providing this annual summary on the Energy Optimization (EO) and Renewable Energy Plan (REP) results for the calendar year 2013.

Read the Full Report

CY2013 Optimization kWh Savings

2013 kwh Goal 2013 kwh Saved 2014 kwh Goal
Low Income 254,520 153,076 269,482
Residential 1,267,764 1,260,648 1,342,291
Business 8,298,898 9,520,511 8,786,762
Totals 9,821,182 10,934,235 10,398,536

CY2013 Optimization Expenditures

2013 Budget 2013 Spent 2014 Budget
Low Income 77,719 28,745 82,288
Residential 217,328 229,981 248,835
Business 1,126,435 914,976 1,229,394
Administration 61,804 61,804 67,849
Evaluation 61,804 29,896 67,849
Totals 1,545,090 1,265,403 1,696,215

*The HBPW contracted an independent auditor to verify the incremental gross energy savings for each EO program for 2013. KEMA Inc. reported that the HBPW has met the energy savings requirements of PA 295.