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The Holland Board of Public Works 2016 Annual Report



Envision® Platinum recognition awarded to the Holland Energy Park™ 2016

RP3 Diamond award received from the American Public Power Association (APPA) for high proficiency in reliability, safety, work force development and system improvement 2015

Five Bloom Rating from the America in Bloom national awards program, winner of the Champions Category for mid-sized cities, winner of the Outstanding Achievement for Floral Displays and Special Mention for Environmental Efforts 2015

Finalist for Best Project in the Public Category in the first annual Governor’s Energy Excellence Awards for the energy efficiency gains achieved at the Service Center and earning ENERGY STAR Certification 2015

Anne Saliers, HBPW’s Community Energy Services Manager,recognized as Michigan Women in Energy by the Great Lakes Renewable Energy Association 2016

Neighborhood Environmental Partners from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, earned through our residential appliance and electronic waste recycling program 2015



Adopt-A-Highway 15 Year Certificate 2015

Clean Corporate Citizen (C3) designation from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality for exemplary corporate environmental responsibility in its Electric Production Department 2015

Service Center certified as a Colossal Monarch Butterfly Waystation 2015

Official Tulip Time Festival Conservation Sponsor 2016

Two Drug Take-Back Events with a total of 113.4 lbs of pills and 279.4 lbs of liquid from 144 residents 2016

United Day of Caring 2015

Holland Fire Parade 2015

Water Festival 2015

Green Commute Week with 1601 miles of green commute 2016

Ottawa County LEPC annual conference 2016

Co-sponsored the Annual Pipeline Safety Awareness program for Excavators, Emergency Response Agencies and Public Officials 2016