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The Holland Board of Public Works 2016 Annual Report


Growing the Fiber Footprint

Fiber offerings boast a 1Gbps (gigabit) service, nearly 20 times the speed of traditional services.


Fiber internet could be the next utility offered by Holland Board of Public Works. And recently, HBPW prepared an intensive business plan evaluating doing just that. The operation is looking to grow in two ways: 1) expanding the physical fiber network and 2) offering these services through what’s called a “fiber-to-the-premises” network or FTTP. This would allow HBPW to serve as a home internet service provider (ISP).

The expanded HBPW fiber backbone network would consist of 24 hub locations and over 45 miles of physically diverse routes, large enough to support the demands throughout HBPW’s electric service footprint. It is designed in a hierarchical fashion working from core routers in the backbone network, to optical line terminals, to optical splitters and finally to over 28,000 local residences and businesses.

Fiber offerings boast a 1Gbps (gigabit) service, nearly 20 times the speed of traditional services. The new fiber infrastructure will have capabilities to offer up to 10Gbps for the ever-growing data needs.

Through the business analysis, HBPW found that they could offer the 1Gbps service for prices comparable to local competitors. The business plan suggests taking a phased approach to network deployment, starting in the city and expanding in three steps. HBPW is reviewing engineering proposals to complete the first stage in downtown Holland and connections could be made as early as 2017.