
Letter from General Manager Dave Koster

Dear Holland Community Member:

Welcome to our 2015 annual report. We have unofficially dubbed 2015 “the year of action” because this year we’ve gotten underway with many of the projects we’ve been analyzing and planning for years.

Action requires purpose, however, and in this year’s annual report we’ve organized our stories around four greater purposes that our actions will serve. These important purposes are to:

  • Inspire
  • Provide
  • Renew
  • Protect

We hope to Inspire our community to see the greatness of Holland and hold a shared vision of how we can continue to evolve and grow as a community. The way our community came together to make key decisions about our energy future was inspiring, and found action in the groundbreaking for the new Holland Energy Park.

The year also saw action to Provide for the needs and the future of our community. Through growing our fiber connectivity, we’re providing the capacity for Holland to keep pace with our digital century.

As we acted to Renew our critical infrastructure, we’re faced the unavoidable disruption it meant to our downtown merchants, residents and visitors. It was rewarding to see how our town handled it all in stride, never pausing in the enjoyment of a beautiful downtown Holland summer.

The instinct to Protect is inherent in any close community. In our case that translates to our actions to protect the natural resources with which we’ve been entrusted. It also means protecting the safety and economic health of our community with highly reliable and affordable utility services.

Throughout our annual report, you can find stories of how we’ve acted in 2015 to inspire, provide, renew and protect. They aren’t just stories about Holland BPW—they’re really stories about our community and its unstoppable forward progress. They’re community stories, as they must be, because we are owned by the community and we operate for the benefit of the community.

I invite you to browse through the stories about our “year of action.” The actions we take are for you, with deep appreciation for the trust you’ve placed in us to carry them out.

David Koster
General Manager
Holland Board of Public Works

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